#16 Contortion | The Daily Doodle

I know you see the crooked lines on these trees.

Today’s doodle is about contortion.

I know you see the crooked lines on these trees. Do you know how long it took me to make leaves? Leaves, for goodness' sake.

As a dancer, storytelling is a common practice for me. The Daily Doodle is an opportunity to expand my artistic abilities to better communicate my experience in this world.

While I could spend hours drawing the perfect leaves, the truth is, I'm not an illustrator. I'm a dancer who finds joy in creating doodles.

I let go of the pressure to be everything because my focus is on creating what brings me joy. The sight of these contorted, twisted, and bent-out-of-shape coconut trees never fails to make me chuckle.

Today’s invitation:

I invite you to share a practice you enjoy but don't identify with. Maybe you enjoy cooking and don’t consider yourself a chef. It doesn't matter because the enrichment it brings to your life is what counts.

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